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A Blast of a Holiday (7/4)

Jul 7, 2024

2 min read




The Fourth was Maple's first day getting a dose of what a party looked like, and she handled it well. She has serious FOMO, and was going between the office window and the window by the front door to check out what we were doing. Abyssinians are affectionate cats and thrive on human interaction; this held true to today for sure! After the first few people arrived, and hearing the meowing behind the closed door, I decided to let her out and roam around us while we ate our lunch. I was uncomfortable because she was not in my control the entire time, but with her harness and her leash on, plus the fact she is remains cautious outdoors, I gave it a try. You can be sure as hell I never took my eyes off of her. Fortunately, most of her curiosity was geared towards what we were doing, and she stayed close to us.

This was her longest time outside on the harness to date — almost 45 minutes to explore. It was in the 80s while she was outside, and I'm glad she had the opportunity to experience the heat because summer is just getting started. I knew she was ready to go back inside when she waited by the front door and looked at me expectedly.

As people began to arrive, more of them came inside and gave Maple the attention she desired. There wasn't a time when I went in that she wasn't being stimulated with toys. She is a high-energy cat, and playing for a few hours is completely normal for her. She was able to join us again later in the evening for a little while, but this time in the grass with my friend, who looked like she would take her home with her given half the chance. The second excursion was much shorter, maybe 15 minutes, but Maple still seemed to enjoy herself.

After getting back inside, she still wanted to be a part of the party and watched us through the office window until she passed out. She had been overly active the last couple of days, so I was grateful she finally burned out.

I missed a lot of good photo opportunities, I'll try to do better in the future!

Jul 7, 2024

2 min read





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